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Input Peripherals

3030/PS Rapid 3-D Digitizer


This complete system provides for rapid 3-D digitizing, graphics editing,measurement analysis, and machine reproduction and includes Cyberware's3030 series of 3-D digitizers and software tools.The optical head uses a safe, low-power laser; a high-resolution imageprocessor; unique optical paths; and fast digitizing electronics togather 14,500 3-D coordinates per second from complex surfacetopographies. 3-D images are displayed within seconds after digitizing.The software includes tools for editing, viewing, measuring, and milling.Features are expandable from a simplified subset for casual productionusers to a powerful set of tools for technical users. The coordinatedatabase is easy to reformat for export to other software programs. Themilling software is an advanced multi-axis tool path generation programwith user-specified values for speed, tool size, travel, and millcontrollers.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

2110 Del Monte Avenue
Monterey, CA 93940-3712
Phone: (408) 373-1441
Fax: (408) 373-3582